Frequently asked questions

Why do you charge money for this service? I can use Google Docs for free.

Google Docs may be free, but you always pay a price. Google lets you use their products for free because they are collecting personal information and data about you to serve you targeted ads and/or provide to other companies, etc. Not only doesn’t Luna do that, but we can’t do that because there is no way we can access any of your documents.

We believe that some people value their privacy and that that is worth a certain price. Any money earned will be used to continue improving and iterating on the service and experience.

I lost my password. Can I recover my documents?

No. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this. Your password is used to access your private keys which are used to decrypt your documents and data.

We do not have any backdoor or backup keys that can be used to access your documents.

What is end-to-end encryption?

End-to-end encryption means that the raw contents of your data are never transmitted anywhere in their original state. When the content is saved it is encrypted, sent to a server, and stored in the encrypted form. When it is accessed, it is downloaded from the server and decrypted using a key that only you have access to.

What kind of encryption do you use?

A number of different encryption algorithms are used on Luna. Data is encrypted using 256-bit AES-GCM. The AES keys are wrapped/transmitted using ECDH ephemeral keys and HKDF.

Quantum-safe encryption uses CRYSTALS libraries Kyber and Dilithium. They are used in combination with standard elliptical curve cryptography.

Your keys themselves are secured using PBKDF2 with SHA-256.

More specifics will be available in our security whitepaper which will be available soon.

Do you store my raw private keys?

No. In order to provide a better user experience and allow you to log into the site from multiple devices, we store your encrypted private keys. We have no way to access the raw keys as they can only be decrypted using your password which is never sent to the server in any form.

Why am I getting an error during registration when trying to use a certain password?

Our goal is to enforce strong encryption and privacy when it comes to your data. At the end of the day, how secure you are comes down to the strength of your account password. If your password is monkey123 then it is more likely that someone will be able to access your data.

We use the Have I Been Pwned API to ensure that the password you are trying to use when you sign up (or change your password) has not been leaked in the past as part of a data breach.

We do not send your password to them. We only send the first 5 characters of a SHA-1 hash of the password. Many passwords share the same first 5 characters in a hash. After receiving a response, we check the rest of the hash against their list of leaked hashes on the client side.

How do I save my document?

If you are logged out and on the document edit page there is currently no way to save that document. That page is designed as a playground area to try out the editing interface.

When you are logged in, documents are saved automatically after one second of inactivity. This means that if you stop typing for a second it will save the current state of the document.

There is a sync indicator on the lower right that will spin whenever a document is being saved. You can click that indicator at any time to manually trigger a save or press ctrl+s (command+s on Mac).

If you try to navigate away from the document before it has finished saving, you will receive an alert asking if you are sure you want to leave the page.

If you use the u keyboard shortcut to go back to your list of documents, it will automatically save the current document you have open before navigating away.

Is the code open source?

We are a very small team, and our priority at the moment is building and iterating on this product and growing our userbase. The code is a bit scrappy as most startups are, and it is not quite ready to be shared with the world.

We understand that is a bit of a chicken and egg situation since we are asking you to trust us without seeing the code.

We plan to slowly release bits and pieces of the code over time starting with the client cryptography code we are using.

In the meantime, you can verify that there are no backdoors by monitoring the network traffic. Your documents will never be sent to the server as plaintext, and your password will never be sent to the server period.

Where are your servers located?

Our servers (hosting and storage) are located in Switzerland.

What is post-quantum encryption?

Traditional asymmetric (public-key) cryptography via RSA and ECC is the standard way of securing data today. Both algorithms are based on math problems where it is really easy to compute the value in one direction (public key), but difficult to take the computed value and work backwards to find the original value (private key). Breaking it would take a traditional computer thousands of years.

This is where quantum computers come in. Schor’s algorithm is a quantum computer algorithm that can be used to break RSA and ECC encryption fairly quickly. Quantum computers capable of actually breaking the encryption do not exist yet, but they could in the near future.

Post-quantum (or quantum-safe) encryption uses Lattice-based cryptography to generate public/private keypairs. This type of mathematics is not vulnerable to an attack using a quantum computer.

Do I get post-quantum encryption by default?

No. As of right now, post-quantum encryption is only available for paying users.

Do I need to use an email address to register for Luna?

Yes. Your email address is used not only as an identifier, but also to send you notifications and updates. If you want to remain anonymous, you are free to use any email address you would like. We recommend using ProtonMail.

How can I pay?

We offer two payment options. You can use a credit card which will be transmitted securely and processed by Stripe (our payment provider) or if you prefer you can pay using Bitcoin.